Saturday, December 22, 2007

Luggage Tags

Eric's whole family is going on vacation together next year so we decided to buy our Christmas gifts with that theme in mind. Mia, Holly and I made these fun luggage tags for everyone. The luggage tags are from C-Line. They are great because they are self laminating. We decorated them with all the odds and ends of our scrapbooking stuff. Everyones first initial ison the front and each family has coordinating paper. On the back I printed out everyone address. Should be fun now to look for our luggage on the carousel at the airport! :) And Michelle or Mandy, should you check here in the next 3 days...act surprised on Christmas, okay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

one could accuse you of having too much time on your hands...I myself would just say that you are EXTREMELY talented/gifted!! I'm impressed. I truly want to be like you when I grow up!! :) (that is not meant to sound sarcastic either...I really aspire to be as crafty as you!)